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F1 Race Track Event


Driving Day in Istanbul Park Race Track

Istanbul Park is built for Formula 1TM races in Istanbul in 2005 on an 2.215.000 m2 area. Today will be a speed day for our guests in Istanbul Park where each guest will experience the F1 Circuit Challenge by Clio Cup Race Car in the circuit.

When the guests arrive at Istanbul Park, they will get a briefing of about an hour for racetracks and then split into groups. Each team will have separate instructors and first drives will be done by the instructors for each guest. In each racetrack maximum 3 cars will be active. Tea, coffee and soft drinks service will be available.

Guests to wish to participate in this activity should have an at least two years old license.

Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to receive more information or other options more suitable for your group.

 Lunch or Dinner at Istanbul Park


As an alternative venue for a group meeting or lunch, a "stadium VIP Lounge" or a "F1 garage" can create an inspiring environment for the guests.

The Stadium VIP Lounge which sees the start line can reach up to 300 people for lunch or dinner depending on seating arrangement. For more private and smaller groups, guests can be welcomed in the Porsche VIP Lounge. As a pre or post tour, we may organize a private visit of the vintage car museum or tractor museum or race control room.

We organise many more events in Istanbul and the rest of Turkey  
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